


Join the Revolution

Easily Make Your Printed Information Fully Interactive

Built in Translator, Voice Assistant plus a Comments and Feeback feature.

QR-Code Scanner

Press \'SCAN\' to use your device camera to scan a QR code. All Sign Says QR codes begin with 'SS'

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Web Voice for Vision Impaired

When a user scans the code, their device can read out the information using a choice of voices and dialects. Firefox and Chrome feature different voices.

Zoom is also very useful and reacts in the usual manner - by pinching fingers on the screen etc.

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Comments and Feedback

Live Chat allow people to leave feedback or ask questions about the printed material, wall sign or a display description.

Built-in Translator

When someone scans your unique QR Code, the relevant document is displayed immediately on their screen, and in their chosen language.

Another really useful feature, is that you can also Print your Sign or Information in any other language.

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Live Updates

Each Sign QR Code has a dedicated Update field, to easily keep people informed of any changes or updates to the Printed Information. This is very useful for Event Signs, Missing Person or Pet Signs, Lost and Found or Closed Signs.


Total Privacy

We only require a minimum amount of personal data from our Users such as a Username and their email address.

Comments data only consist of the comment, username and the date and time. At Sign Says, everything is black and white with no hidden user tracking or monitoring.


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